Eating Disorder Recovery

It’s Time for Change

One Bite at a Time has extensive experience working with clients struggling with eating disorders. What do anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating disorder, food restriction, exercise addiction, compulsive overeating, chronic dieting, and emotional eating all have in common? They take over your life. Their pull is powerful, leaving very little room for anything or anyone else. We understand how overwhelming the disordered internal voice can become, and we want to help you see that there is light on the other side. We work with clients in all stages of treatment. Whether you just completed a residential treatment program and are forging a new recovery path or you’re just realizing that your behaviors are disordered, we can help support and guide you in the process. For those of you who have been on and off diets the majority of your life and are now struggling to eat well and exercise appropriately, we’re here for you. Disordered eating does not discriminate, and we have experience working with clients of all ages and genders.

Dietitians are an integral part of a successful recovery team, but it takes a village. We will work closely with your treatment team, including physicians, therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. We will provide you the necessary nutrition information, education, accountability, and support throughout your journey. We will monitor your behaviors and challenge your disordered thinking around food and body image. Your behaviors and needs will change as you go through treatment, and we will evolve and adapt your treatment together in a way that best fits where you are in the recovery process.

We offer nutrition therapy sessions tailored to meet your specific needs in a safe and approachable environment. We are 100% committed to guiding our clients towards finding food and body freedom. We also offer on-going nutrition support groups for those struggling with unhealthy food and body image thoughts and behaviors. Experiential activities such as meal planning, grocery shopping, and restaurant outings are also often part of the recovery process.

As part of our commitment to improving the health and wellness of our clients, should you need a higher level of support.we are equipped to guide you through that process. Through our experience in residential treatment, we have knowledge of the programs available across the country. We will save space for you upon your return, so that you experience a safe and smooth transition home.

Are you ready to break away from the grasp these thoughts and behaviors hold over your life? Are you ready to push back and learn how food can once again play a healthy role in your life? If so, we would be honored to support you in your recovery. Please reach out today.

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