Weight Management & Wellness

Take Better Care of Yourself

There’s no denying the health benefits of weight loss – increased energy, improved cardiovascular health, reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and much more. It is something we all have control over, we all know the benefits, and yet many of us are obese or overweight. One Bite at a Time is a judgment-free zone. We understand the struggles, the obstacles, and the time constraints involved in making lasting change. That’s why our philosophy is one bite at a time. Lasting change doesn’t happen overnight. We’re individuals, and the hurdles are set up differently on the track for each of us. We can help by sorting out and prioritizing the first step for you. We’ll help find that right combination of tools that provide you with a balance of knowledge, motivation, and accountability to be successful. This stuff can be difficult to implement and maintain. If it were easy, people would not continue to try every fad diet that comes down the line. The diet culture we’ve created in this country would not be what it is - a billion dollar industry that brings its customers no closer to long-term success than it did 50 years ago.

Why are we different and why can place your trust in us? We’re not selling any physical products. Our product is a broad range of education, experience, hands-on learning and scientific knowledge and it allows a Registered Dietitian to treat all things nutrition-related without bias. This makes us an excellent choice for someone looking to safely and effectively lose weight. 

Our approach to weight loss begins by working to understand each client’s specific circumstances. After we sit down and complete your initial assessment, we get to work creating a customized plan that is sustainable and will help guide you towards making long-term lifestyle changes. Our approach is not difficult or confusing, as it is based on nutrition fundamentals that have proven successful time and time again.

Our counseling isn’t based on fad diets where certain foods are banned, but they are a non-diet approach to wellness that promotes balance, moderation, and mindfulness. All foods may be enjoyed under this philosophy. You’re going to have work hard to push past what you’ve been taught before, and open yourself up to changing your relationship with food. However, you’ll be doing so while enjoying the foods you love to eat. As your Registered Dietitian, we’ll also be working hard to ensure that you have the tools and support you need to get on the right side of health and wellness.

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